"Doctor Niprae Yinua."

Medical Specialist & Toolsmith

Chasing perfection.

Full name: Niprae Yinua
Age: 34
Height: 5'11
Hair color: White
Eye Color: White
Skin Tone: Ashen blue

Primary Language{s}: Common
Secondary: Doman / Hingan / Xaelic
Occupation: Doctor & Goldsmith
Sexuality: Bisexual
Marital Status: Engaged to Tuya Mol
Children: None

A doctor first and foremost, Niprae prides herself on her skills in traditional healing and operating. Born and bred of a line of goldsmiths, however, comes with its merits. Though she chooses to lend her focus vastly to medical practices, being raised by craft and metalwork has its merits. She secondaries as a goldsmith who prefers to hone her attention on the experimentation and welding of tools to make surgery, general check-ups and more easier for the life of her fellow, magically uninclined specialists. Even so, she is not limited to tools and is capable as a generalized gold and gem smith upon request.

RP Hooks

Prosthetic limbs.The performance of surgeries.Traditional (non-aetheric) healing and treatment.Gold-smithing or surgical tool commissions.The creation of operational tools and machinery.Always, always in need of test subjects.
Niprae maintains a voracious search for engineers willing to collaborate upon the creation of magitek medical machinery and is willing to go to most any lengths to evolve this specific field. Please don't be shy to reach out! I'm always looking for roleplay.

Adventure Mature Mystery Horror Casual Violence Gore Free-form combat Discord RP

Death of characterx Godmoddingx